So... the alarm was set for 4am and we were on the road by 4:55am. Here we are, on our way out of Abby...
Just a little proof that we DID actually get on the road as early as planned...
I must admit, as much as I hate early mornings, it sure is a beautiful time of day.
No one around, sun rising, colorful sky. Beautiful.
Driving through the Coquihala. Still, virtually no one on the road. Perfection.
So it turns out that Google maps was, in fact, WAY off with their time estimation. We arrived in Sorrento at 8:15am. A mere 3.25 hrs after leaving Abbotsford. Hmmm.... the church service wasn't til 10am. Now what?
Time to explore the town a bit...
Sorrento is quite a quaint little town. So pretty.
Don't know if this is "allowed" but we did it anyway.
The coffee shop wasn't open so we had to kill time in other ways.
So, we tried out their machinery...
Getting back to our roots? Well, maybe Jon's anyway.
I had to give it a try too...